Mia Dekeersmaeker

About myself

Myself before the launch of my FIRST NOVEL I'm very proud off after 4 years of research

life is beautiful just look at the opportunities

Born in 1955 (a good year) I live and work (can always change) as a journalist in Belgium for eleven years (time goes so fast). Besides writing articles on issues like Culture, Gastronomy, Tourism, Archeology, Jewellery, Watches, Business, Lifestyle, Health, Architecture and Design I also have written three travel books and a book on modern Eastern Europe Art.

‘The Earth has Fever,’ ‘Die Erde hat Fieber,’ ‘De Aarde heeft Koorts,’ is my debut in writing novels. This novel came about as a result of my attendance at the International Symposium on the Sky Disc in February 2005. In this novel I tried to refine my fiction to a story based on real events and places without being detrimental the truth.

In this novel I once again demonstrates that the age old proverb ‘knowledge is power’ is just as relevant today as it ever was.

And next year another novel is coming up.

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