Mia Dekeersmaeker

oktober 15, 2008

Frankfurter Bookfair

Filed under: My novel news — dekeersmaeker @ 4:03 pm

Hey folks me on the run to the Frankfurter Book Fair, to the way of the launching of my first Novel.

To be honest it’s exciting.

And you know what this photo is taken by a Russian lady I met in the station. We talked a lot about the book.

It’s interesting how such a little book as mine with the tilte ‘The Earth has Fever’ or ‘Die Erde hat Fieber,’  makes people talk about there interest in deling with the climate change. Also on the train there were some interesting discussions going on. And that’s good I think.

3.50 hours later am in the Book Fair. And there my book is, healthy and well. Waiting for the audience and other publishers who are interested to look at it. What a surprise?

All the five books were opened, not in the plastic anymore. People already like to read inside, the publisher BOD told me.

Ok tomorrow I see myself. Because it’s almost closing time now.

Tomorrow you can expect other bookfair new, because In Frankfurt the International world is gathered.

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